When it comes to common household electronics, washing machines make it to the top ten in the list. As washing clothes or doing laundry is directly connected to our everyday hygiene and lifestyle, use of washing machines is an unavoidable activity on every other weekend, unless you don’t do your own laundry -in that case our primary clients would be your local laundry shop! Nevertheless, someone would be using the machines to wash that dirt and sweat away.
Just like every other electronic machine of frequent use, it may need fixing and maintenance services once in a while to keep it running steady. Here are some common problems that you may face while using your washing machines:
How Strathclyde domestic Repairs can be a solution to your Common Washing Machine problems
- Problems with Switching on the washing machine
The problems with your washing machine can be as trivial as the machine not starting when you switch it on, but this also means you’ll have to do the grueling laundry yourself which is otherwise done by your machine with more efficiency. In scenarios like these, we recommend that you first check your electrical socket or the connecting wires to see whether the problem is external. If that is not the case, then it’s the motor that needs fixing. Our team provides 100% satisfactory professional repair services for washing machine motors to keep them running interrupted for a long time. You may call us at 01414745455 for instant advice and booking an appointment with one of our best technicians.
- Water Getting Stuck
A washing machine has a water inlet control and a drain pipe which gets rid of the dirty water after the wash. Sometimes, the water may start to accumulate in the drum instead of draining from the outlet.
This may be due to the debris collected at the bottom or in the pipes during spinning, or it could be due to a blocked waste water pipe, a broken pump or due to the filter not working properly. In either case, we can diagnose your problem and fix the concerned area of the washing machine so it continues to work without any hindrances.
- Jammed Door
Mostly, the old and weary washing machines tend to have jammed doors. We highly recommend not opening them forcefully or with a jerk. The primary cause of the jammed doors could be its rusty surface or broken door parts. We deal with the hardware parts of your broken washing machines and fix them before they get too difficult to use.
- Broken Washer or Noisy Machine
A faulty lid switch, a broken belt or a burnt motor can lead to washers not working properly. Moreover, another common problem with washing machines is them being noisy. It could be due to coins or other objects getting stuck while washing or the bearings of the machine being old and rusty. We, at Strathclyde Domestic Repairs, are highly skilled at solving these problems and are one of the most sought-after in the area.
Now with our professional team of technicians and repairmen, your washing machine fixing is just one call away!